Parents Half Term is in Sight

Home schooling and working

As we come to the last day of term, before a week’s half term. I can hear the cheers from other parents. I don’t think I have ever been so relieved for a half term.

Elizabeth has been amazing through home schooling, I consider myself lucky in that she wants to learn, but like many it is hard juggling the work and listening to the teacher to make sure Elizabeth is on the right path. Only yesterday I thought we are almost done, not quite the time to pop the cork! The teacher sends out homework, I could have cried!  Since going back into home schooling we have had three lots of home work on top of spellings, reading and TTR. I was just looking forward to some down time, for Elizabeth and where I could work for a couple of hours a day without having to split the brain.

When Mark gets home, he looks at me and says you looked shattered. Always comforting to know how you look. I’m exhausted and I know many feel the same.

Well, the idea behind this blog is to give some support to other Mums and Dads like me who are juggling and general hope to parents.

So, the top tips for half week are:

Walking- get those children outside they have spent so much time in front of the screens.

Bake-It doesn’t have to be the 4-tier cake with the most perfect sculptured mermaid or dinosaur on top. But it’s a skill, a relaxing way to share a passion for something you are doing together. With something nice to eat and enjoy at the end. Don’t forget to lick the bowl, that’s Elizabeth’s favourite part.

Half Term Activities

Build/Create- Get the boxes and make something, a den, a castle. Let your children be creative. When they do they let their bodies relax. Our children are mini us. So for me Elizabeth is a worry wart, she likes to please and get things correct, which has and continues make her tense.

I know that by the time you have read this far you are thinking but my child just wants to play on the game console.

Okay so join in with them. One of the skills that we are seeing being lost at this point of time is children’s communication skills. The art to turn taking in conversation, not who’s voice can be the loudest. Show your child interest in what they do enjoy. You might be no good at it, but your children are sharing an experience with you.

Sit with your child and talk about the pictures on your phone. So often we forget all those magical moments when have tried to capture that we don’t reflect on them.

There are many more things that I could suggest, but remember go back to basics. The simple things often give us the most pleasure.