I thought I would write a blog to say it’s okay we will get there!
So, we find ourselves in another full lock down again for a second time!
I know for everyone it is slightly different. However, I wanted to share how it works or not at Bright Lights. It’s not to show you how OCD I am, how fussy I am, or how much I love my family, it’s to show you that if you are experiencing the same it’s okay, you’re not alone. Every day new challenges are brought weather that be we have run out of food, the google meet link is not working or you just need to eat that whole box of chocolates.
For those ladies/business women, Mums who like to have order and everything has to be on time and you’re juggling all the plates. You hopefully with connect with this blog.
Lock down puts the pressure on, mostly because I worry about everything! The juggling of running a business, Mark (Husband) going to work every day into the covid 19, home schooling, cleaning the house, food shopping, making those lockdown birthday gifts special, making sure the family are happy. The list goes on. The lack of sunshine has not helped and that’s not just with getting the washing dried.
Home schooling- well as an ex-teacher education is valued highly in our house. So Elizbeth (Daughter) never made it back to school after Christmas. Bags where packed and then Mr Johnson, said no school tomorrow. As a family the next week was to be a challenge! Mark went out to work you know the man walks out the house with his lunch you have made. Smiles and walks out. You turn around to a 7-year-old with my phone pinging, the iPad flashing with google links. The house phone ringing and don’t forget to get something out for lunch and tea.
I can say Elizabeth’s school are amazing and we share the same value that education is important, however the first day of home schooling. The lesson was live, within the first day I was introduced to 4 new apps, with addition to programmes that the school uses. Well, when the teacher first started, we lost the first instruction, with Elizabeth clicking all over the screen, I found myself shouting at the teacher asking him to slow down, while the whole class were listening. Being the ex- teacher doesn’t always help as Mummy friends were messaging me to ask what to do. At which point I had to run to the toilet and just cry. I was going to have to do this for about 7 weeks, day one and I was crying in the toilet while Elizabeth was in a google meet crying as well. So of course, you know what happens next the doorbell rings and no it wasn’t my case of wine. The phone rings and its Mark, all okay? I cried down the phone hysterically to him I can’t do this!!
By the end of the first week, I was at breaking point the fact that I was only getting a few hours’ sleep a night was not helping, the fact that my house was a mess, is if you know me is something I can’t cope with.
Within the equation of life, we had terrible news that Marks Nan had died after the covid vacation and a second stroke. So, there I was dreading another week of home schooling and a lot more tired than the week before, I had worked all weekend to try and catch up with work I had missed. We were emotionally upset at the loss of our Nan. The emails pinged 7:30pm on Elizabeth’s iPad! That can only me a message from the teacher. Yes, the teacher had sent an email. Well by the time I had finished reading it I was back in tears, after composing myself and emailing the teacher. I know controlling Mum and teacher. Part of the reason I’m suffering in pain with my shoulder blades, so I’m now on three different types of tables a day to take some of the pain away. See I told you we could do this.
It was Monday!
First thing the teacher thought it would be a good idea to add a mini home learning project. Like home schooling was not enough for me we now have a home project plus general home!
I can say the week ahead was easier. We are getting used to the time table and all the apps and google meet lessons. If we are on time with everything, we can get out at lunch time for a walk. Some house work is getting done, not a lot but some.
At this point, I just keep thinking Elizabeth is safe, we have food on the table and a warm bed at night time. We have to look at the good things and keep positive. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I always say to my family we have to experience bad times to appreciate the good.
So, the point of this blog is to show that if you are juggling all the plates, it’s okay if one, two or all of them fall. We have the ability to brush ourselves down and get back up. You are not alone. We will get back to a comfortable normality. It’s okay we will get there!