So as parents we find our self’s home schooling once again, take 2!
Last week I found this one of the hardest challenges. Not because of the actual teaching. More to do with the live lessons and the number of APPs my daughters teacher used. I am old fashioned and I like pen and paper, I live to be able to call a person and not wait for that very moment when a link is sent through to connect or not in some cases because the system is being used that much it crashes.
However, as a friend reminded me school teachers’ children the things we don’t teach at home. So, while we find ourselves in challenging times and trust me the work life balance, I have never mastered so to add home schooling into this it is making it more of a challenge.
Home schooling Take 2: We can only try our best and that’s where we can help. We have tried to update a few useful resources into our wooden educational resources and puzzles section. To support with those multiplication, number recognition and writing skills. If you are looking for something in particular please ask and we will do our best to help.
Our ultimate resource is the wooden triangular activity, as its compact and everything you need in one place so you are not looking for different resources. As another friend text and said does anyone feel like their child’s PA.? yes was the answer.
We are in this together and if we work together, we can come out of this together. As I sit here typing this blog, I have a child who is holding it together and a husband who has had the phone call to prepare he is about to lose his Nan. These are uncertain times for us, but now more than ever my family needs me and so does yours, so be kind to one other and listen to those friends who need someone to talk to and don’t forget there is some good news around the corner. Stay safe and remember we have your back for all your wooden educational resources.