The importance of Friendship
Bright Lights is a family run business that started upon the arrival of a special little one, Elizabeth.
For people that know our family run business Elizabeth is my absolute world. I consider myself lucky to have been given and have the opportunity to be a ‘Mummy’.
This role is extremely important, however my role as a primary teacher was incredibly important to the children and families that I taught.
I was a teacher that loved my job, the steps of achievement that the children made were the rewards I desired.
Being a ‘Mummy’ and a teacher, everyone around expects me to know all the answers because of course it told you at university how to be a Mummy!
Well, one of the most important parts of being a ‘Mummy’ and a teacher was and is to teach the value of friendship. Strong happy friendships can support the holistic child. If children learn to be good friends they grow in confidence and feel secure in new challenges that they might face.
When Elizabeth was a baby I took her to many baby classes, through these she developed her social skills through her senses. Baby Sensory was an amazing class; not only for Elizabeth but the ladies I met there, our friendship remains six years on. Try our sensory train to engage their senses and ignite their imagination.
Sharing is always a challenging part of friendships in the early days and with Elizabeth being an only child, she on occasions did struggle. However I found that modelling, good sharing and explaining what she was doing followed by praising her has helped her grow. Elizabeth has and continues to grow as a little girl with a massive heart. I can proudly say this as she has spent some of her spare time baking cakes for the homeless and given her own money to buy the homeless people a warm drink. While, also showing a caring nature to her friends and family.
Our wooden cutting fruit box or wooden cutting vegetables box is a great wooden toy that encourages sharing, along with hand eye co-ordination.
A vital part of Elizabeth’s life is her social calendar; play dates have been vital in her development. We have talked about the love hate friendships and how to deal with situations, we have talked about who she plays best with and where and what she likes to play with her friends.
Our house was and is set ready for play dates, with Elizabeth having a playroom, all be it the biggest room in the house in the end, meant I could set up different activities when her friends came to play.
Having a full range of toys did encourage many play dates at our house.
Having just had half term with a six year old there was only one day, ‘free’ without a play date. Elizabeth has friends from different paths of her life from school, to baby groups she attended too Mummies friends. I believe a mixture of friendships supports a child’s understanding of diversity of people.
As a ‘Mummy’ who also runs Bright Lights it can be a challenge to make and keep friends. I have many business acquaintances, however I have a small cluster of friends from different walks of life, friends that I don’t see every week, but friends who I know if I need a chat or a night out I can call. Showing Elizabeth good friendships shows her how to interact with others.
As parents we are our children’s role models, so as Elizabeth is at that difficult stage as a girl with emotions I have to take the lead and show her healthy friendships.