So as another summer closes to an end. We start to look at the new academic year start. Elizabeth joins year 5, can’t not believe she is almost at the end of her first years in school.

The new nursery chidlren are getting ready to start their first days at school. The uniforms are clean and labelled and the shoes are shinny.

What will there journey look like at school?

First Day at School

As a reception teacher lots of parents used to ask. ‘How can I help my child?’

In todays life where everything runs at 100 mph it is a challenging question as a teacher you know the best answer but in reality the availability and consistency of what a teacher suggested are two different things. However what I can say from experience as a Mum working full time, is create small chunks of time where you watch your child grow by giving them your undivided attention. I do this with Elizabeth in the form of listening to her read. She doesn’t particular like reading but she does enjoy a good non-fiction books. This is okay it’s still reading. Playing our times table game and having to a forfit if I take too long to answer a question, showing her humour and that learning is about enjoying and learning from your mistakes to progress in life. It also show’s Elizabeth that life is about a balance as an only child, she has to learn that life is not all about  her. While in a parent’s world that’s all we think about is our children and the impact of other things and don’t get me started on the guilt trip of working long days.

Things that I use that have supported Elizabeth through her first few years at school have been critical in her learning path.

Our beautiful Wooden:

Times table tray

Magnetic weatherboard.

Back to school!

You have got this parent’s. However we are here to help. So if you ever need anything or want to know what to use to support Freddie with that concept of money then we have the gifts. Just ask the team at Bright Lights