The show must go on!

So, we have returned from Cheltenham Festive Gift Fair. It was another great show. Not as busy as usual, but still it proved to be a good show. We have booked for next year. Well we did see some adorable customers!

adorable customer

An adorable customer playing with wooden chopping fruit


After having done our first indoor show, we have now decided we will be doing London this month. It has been a challenge in knowing as a small business what to do this year. While we love meeting people. We have had an assortment of challenges in our way.

Stock has been and continues to be an issue. While we are trying to hold as much stock as we can, we do run out of stock. Our rag dolls appear to be our top selection that are currently being hit by availability. However, we are pleased to say that our 100 Grid number squares are back in stock! If we can learn from Cheltenham gift fair show this year from grandparents.  Very much the focus was on Educational Toys. While we focus on a full range of wooden educational toys some are clearer to people such as our magnetic weatherboard or times table tray.

However, as a small positive business, we believe that you have to keep going! it’s the only option! If we stop, we will be left and that is why our doors only shut on Christmas Eve to our local customers.

If you’re looking for a shopping experience in London, that provides a wide variety of small business in a beautiful part of London south Western Westminster district, inside the Royal Horticultural Hall. Then click on the link for tickets. We would love to see some more familiar faces, or should I say eyes. The event runs from 18th -20th November 2021. With a Charity evening held on Thursday night 6-9pm.